Client Portal

Client portal

Ready to sign up to our online client portal?

Our online portal provides a secure means of exchanging messages and documents between yourself and your accountant. It also provides the ability to approve and e-sign documents in a quick and easy manner. Once uploaded to the client portal your documents will remain there for easy instant access.


If you aren’t yet signed up to our online client portal then contact us today to start the process.

01597 824855
The process



Receive an invitation to join the Client Portal



Register your account


Access granted

You're now ready to view, authorise and upload to your personal portal with ease


24/7 Access

You'll now have 24/7 access to your safe and secure online documents

Already registered?

Why should you use it?

The benefits speak for themselves:

Client Portal Help Videos

A selection of videos provided by Wolters Kluwer to help with accessing your account on our client portal

Activate your account

A short video that shows the process of activating a new or upgraded CCH OneClick account and configuring MFA for the first time.

Logging into your account

A short video showing the process of logging in to CCH OneClick and entering your MFA.

Organisation Switching

The Organisation Switcher is only displayed to CCH OneClick client users that have access to more than one client entity within the same accounting practice, or across multiple accounting practices.

Account recovery

A short video demonstrating the use of recovery codes when the user doesn't have access to their MFA device and using the Recover Password link.